Monday, June 22, 2009

1st day of SIP

2day is my 1st day of SIP @ the turf club. the only word that i can use is great!!!!!! coz 2day i learned quite lot of stuffs in the lab from my mentor, who hppns to be an ex TP student in the same course as mi. she juz gratuated lor. i get to learn how to run control samples, data entering and different tests procedures using the analyzers. N 2day i get to do the full blood count using the analyzer 2day lor!!!!!!!!!! following all the test den i was asked to do data entry into the LIS and print the report. the report were later sent to the vets for review n signature.

she also brings mi to the endoscopy department to meet all the vets and introduce them to mi 1 by 1 and they were all ANG MO's lor. i cant see an asian vet there. i cant seens to rmb all their names but i'll try my best to. n i get to speak to a vet as he came to our lab 2day. i saw him extracting all the serum from the blood tubes using a syringe, so i asked him why is he doing this. he told mi that actually this is used to treat the horse's (same horse from blood drawn) eye as it hurts its cornea. he said that the serum is actually good for healing of eye injuries. thats really a learning point.

overall it was a wonderful 1st day @ turf club as i get to see many horses and meet many ppl.ppl there are nice, friendly n helpful towards mi as a intern, esp my mentor. she is really patient. although she had many things to complete on a monday morning, she drove mi (using a buggy) around to familarise with the environment and teach mi step by step each of the procedures of each test.

hope that each day will be a fun learning experience for mi @ turf club :)

  • 10.37pm